Stamp Credit: Digital by Elisabeth Bell "I Love You This Much"

There is a story behind this little digital cutie by Elisabeth Bell.  When I wa coloring the image with copic alcohol markers, I went outside the lines pretty significantly on the upper part of her right arm…. in RED!  Ugh!  I tried and tried to push the red back into her jacket with the blender pen, but I ended up with a horrible mess.  And of course, I did that at the very ending of the coloring.  Not one to give up, or waste all that time I was coloring her, I cut her out.  But you see all those little strands of hair?  I cut off one of them by mistake.  Not daunted, I then copied another image the same size, and colored only her hands, her legs and feet, and the  hair strands that stick out from her body.  Then I sponged the background in green and grounded that image with two shades of brown.  Next I finished cutting out the original image, cutting off all but one of the strands of hair, and her legs and feet.  I popped her up with dimensional tape, and voila, image saved.

That’s not the end of the story, though.  While I was trimming the background image I didn’t notice that I had cut it crooked, and it was so close to the top of her head I couldn’t straighten it up without cutting off part of hair.  By now I had invested a lot of time and it looked like I was going to have to toss her.  I remembered seeing some gorgeous cards where the focal image was added asymmetrically, so I figured, what the heck.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  This is what I ended up with, and I bet if I didn’t tell you it was cut crooked, you wouldn’t see it.    How’s that for a save?